Illya würde am liebsten zu ihrem normalen Alltag zurückkehren, was Kuro aus irgendeinem Grund aufzuregen scheint. Am nächsten Tag ruft sie Miyu zu sich. Was hat sie nur vor?
After Illya inadvertently blows up her house's bathroom wall, her family comes over to Luvia's house to use her bathroom, where Kuro causes more trouble for Illya. Later, as Rin and Luvia ask Illya about how she used the Archer Card in the manner she did, Illya's statement of wanting to return to a normal life angers Kuro, who reveals she herself possesses the Archer Card and escapes. The next day, Miyu is summoned by Kuro, who claims Illya's wish of a normal life excludes Miyu and the other people she had met as well too. However, Miyu has faith in her friendship with Illya and uses the Saber Card to stand up against Kuro.
목욕탕에서 듣게 된 이리야의 바람을 듣고 쿠로는 다시 이리야에게 선전포고를 날리고 사라진다. 그리고 쿠로는 미유를 혼자 불러내는데...
"Eu quero voltar para minha vida normal." Com essa simples frase, Illya irrita Kuro, que as declara inimigas que nunca poderão coexistir e foge rumo à noite. Illya fica confusa. No outro dia Miyu vai para uma praia sem avisar Illya e as outras. Esperando lá por ela está...
Quiero volver a mi vida normal". Cuando esta frase desangelada de Illya enfada a Kuro, esta las declara enemigas que no podrán coexistir jamás y desaparece en la oscuridad de la noche. Illya está confundida. Al día siguiente, Mayu se dirige a la costa sin decir nada a Illya y al resto. Esperándola está...