Neznani storilec je do smrti povozil žensko srednjih let. Vse kaže na to, da je bil zločin nameren. Bolj ko Ekipa Bled koplje po sledeh in osumljencih, bolj je jasno, da so naleteli na mrežo spletk, prikrivanj, prevar in zamer, ki seže desetletje nazaj. Vsi osumljeni imajo alibi, dokler Nives ne naleti na genialno idejo. Toda tudi ta se najprej izkaže za pomanjkljivo.
An unknown perpetrator ran over a middle-aged woman to death. All indications are that the crime was intentional. The more Team Bled digs through the tracks and suspects, the clearer it is that they have encountered a web of intrigue, concealment, deception, and resentment dating back a decade. All the suspects have alibis until Nives produces a brilliant idea. But even this one turns out to be flawed at first.