Luko samega pošljejo na teren. Gre za običaj, s katerim staroselci na postaji preizkušajo prišleke, njihove živce, bistrost in smisel za humor. Luka primer izginule domače živali vzame resno, vendar kmalu ugotovi, da gre pri celotni akciji za potegavščino. Na obisk na Bled pride Lukov bivši sodelavec Mare in v njunem pogovoru izvemo za razloge, zakaj si Luka ne želi nazaj v Ljubljano. Je med njimi tudi čustveni razlog, ki se ga Luka niti sam ne zaveda?
They send Luka to the field himself. It is a custom in which the natives at the station test the newcomers, their nerves, wit, and sense of humor. Luka takes the case of the missing pet seriously, but soon finds out that the whole campaign is a prank. Luka's former colleague Mara comes to visit Bled and, in their conversation, we find out the reasons why Luka does not want to return to Ljubljana. Is there an emotional reason among them that Luka is not even aware of?