Son Gohan, Krillin und Dende bekommen Unterstützung von Polunga, einem Shenlong vom Planeten Namek. Nun haben sie zwar drei Wünsche zur Verfügung, leider lassen sich damit aber auch nur drei Freunde wieder zum Leben erwecken. Vegeta kriegt Wind davon und überredet Dende, um ewiges Leben für ihn zu bitten. Doch dann werden die Dragonballs durch einen tragischen Vorfall zu Stein …
Porunga, the Namekian Eternal Dragon, is summoned. However Krillin, Gohan and Dende are met with some bad news when they discover that only one dead friend can be resurrected per wish! Piccolo communicates with the Earthlings, telling them to revive him and wish him to the Planet Namek. Dende speaks the first wish and Piccolo's halo disappears - and Kami is resurrected on Earth, much to Mr. Popo's joy. The second wish is made, however, Piccolo is nowhere in sight. Dende tells them that they wished him to the Planet Namek and not their specific location, however - so the third wish can be used to transport him to that particular spot. Unfortunately, things take a turn for the worst. Vegeta is awakened by sensing the approaching Frieza's power, and quickly awakens and rushes to where the Earthlings are making their wishes. He threatens them for stealing his chance at immortality, though they accidentally reveal that there is one more wish left - which he would be able to use to get immortality. He tells Dende to make him immortal, and with Frieza fast approaching, Krillin reluctantly tells Dende to wish Vegeta immortal - stating that, if nothing else, he is at least better than Frieza. Before he can deliver the wish, however, the Eldest Namek dies, causing the Dragon Balls to stop working. Vegeta is outraged at the Earthlings since his chance for immortality has one again been foiled. His anger at the Earthlings doesn't last, however, since Frieza arrives at the battlefield at that very moment. The tyrant begins charging up, terrifying everyone but Vegeta who seems strangely calm. The entire planet begins to shake violently as Frieza summons his power - as Goku remains in the rejuvenation chamber, slowly still recovering from the injuries his body had taken during the earlier Ginyu conflict.
Pendant que Son Goku récupère en capsule de soin, le Dragon Polunga est invoqué. Les deux premiers vœux sont exaucés : Piccolo est ressuscité et téléporté sur Namek mais l'arrivée de Vegeta et le décès du Doyen des Aînés leur prive du 3e vœu et leur créateur mort, les Dragon Balls se changent en pierre. Quand, Freezer apparaît.
Porunga, é convocado. No entanto Kuririn e Gohan Dende são preenchidas com algumas más notícias quando eles descobrem que apenas um amigo morto podem ser ressuscitada por desejo! Píccolo se comunica com eles pedindo para ser ressuscitado primeiro pois assim o Kamissama da terra viveria e as esfera do dragão da terra voltaria também.
Krilin y Gohan descubren que a pesar de que las dragon ball de Namek pueden conceder tres deseos, pero solo pueden resucitar a una sola persona por deseo, a diferencia de las dragon ball de la Tierra. Después de consultar con sus amigos muertos a través de habilidades telepáticas de Kai,utilizan el primer deseo para revivir a Piccolo, que también trae a Kami y las dragon ball de la Tierra aparecen de nuevo.Utilizan el segundo deseo para que Piccolo aparezca en Namek para que pueda ayudarles. Vegeta finalmente despierta y se entera de que ha sido engañado, pero antes de que puedan utilizar el último deseo de convertirse en inmortal, el Gran Viejo muere y las dragon ball de Namek se vuelven piedras. Al igual que Vegeta piensa que su suerte no podía ser peor, Freezer, finalmente llega.
Una volta evocato, Polunga rivela a Crilin, Gohan e Dende che ha il potere di esaudire tre desideri, ma che può resuscitare solo una persona alla volta. Piccolo si mette allora in comunicazione con loro e chiede di essere resuscitato e trasportato su Namek con due dei tre desideri. La richiesta di Piccolo viene esaudita ed egli si ritrova su Namek, vivo, ma lontano dal luogo dove si trovano gli altri. Avvertendo l'aura di Freezer che si avvicina, Vegeta si risveglia e, adirato con i Terrestri per l'inganno subito, esige che l'ultimo desiderio venga usato per renderlo immortale. Prima che il desiderio possa essere espresso, tuttavia, il Capo Anziano muore rendendo le sfere inutilizzabili. In quel momento, arriva sul posto Freezer che, infuriato, comincia ad espandere enormemente la sua aura terrorizzando tutti i presenti, ad eccezione di Vegeta. Mentre il pianeta intero trema per la potenza del tiranno, Goku è ancora nella camera riabilitativa.
Kuririn i Gohan odkrywają, że choć nameczańskie smocze kule potrafią spełnić trzy życzenia, jedno życzenie może wskrzesić tylko jedną osobę - inaczej niż ziemskie smocze kule. Przyjaciele, po konsultacji ze zmarłymi przyjaciółmi oraz dzięki umiejętnościom Króla Światów, postanawiają wskrzesić Piccolo.