Kardinal Richelieu versucht, die Reise der Gesandten des Königs nach Spanien zu verhindern. Bevor sie die Grenze erreichen, werden ihre Pferde von Zigeunern gestohlen. D’Artagnan und seinen Freunden gelingt es, die Zigeuner zu erwischen, die ihnen erzählen, dass sie vom dortigen Schlossherrn dazu gezwungen wurden. Die Freunde entschließen sich daraufhin zu einer köstlichen Verwechslungsgeschichte.
Dogtanian, Pip and the Three Muskehounds set off for Spain. Widimer tries to stop them by sabotaging a high bridge. Pip spots that the rope has been cut and the friends make it to the other side in the nick of time. They make camp, but in the night a band of gypsies steals their horses - with the exception of Sandy, who will not allow himself to be stolen. The gypsy leader explains that the governor of the nearby town has kidnapped his granddaughter and is demanding ten horses, which he wants as a gift for a visiting dignitary. The Muskehounds work out that this must be Rochefort. Porthos impersonates the Count and promises the governor a position in Paris. When the real Rochefort arrives, Porthos has him tied up and commands the governor to take him to Paris. By the time Widimer comes to Rochefort's rescue the Muskehounds have retrieved their horses and are on their way. The gypsy's granddaughter has been returned and the grateful gypsy gives Pip some seeds which can cure any poiso
Richelieu tente d’empêcher D’Artagnan et les trois mousquetaires de rejoindre l’Espagne, mais ils réussissent à déjouer tous ses pièges. Avant d’arriver à la frontière, ils rencontrent des gitans qui leur expliquent qu’ils doivent donner leurs chevaux au maire de la commune voisine...
Richeleão tenta deter Dartacão e os Três Moscãoteiros durante a viagem para Espanha, mas sem êxito. Porém, na fronteira uns ciganos roubam-lhes os cavalos. Um deles revela a Dartacão que o alcaide do castelo quer dez cavalos para oferecer ao conde de Rocãoforte. Mordos disfarça-se de Rocãoforte e não só consegue recuperar os cavalos como também faz com que Rocãoforte seja preso.