Nach einer Fülle von Abenteuern mit wilden Tieren und Eingeborenen auf der geheimnisvollen Insel, finden D’Artagnan und Pom einen funkelnden Edelstein. Und sie entdecken das Schiff des „blauen Falken“. D’Artagnan beschließt, die Bande alleine anzugreifen, doch ein spanisches Marineschiff, das die drei Musketiere aufgenommen hat, kommt ihm zu Hilfe.
Dogtanian and Pip are still stranded on the island. Pip is hungry so they walk inland to find some food, they find some fruit which Pip knocks from the top of a tree. Before Pip can tuck in they hear a strange noise and go to investigate. They find a "monster with a tail where its mouth should be", also known as an elephant stuck in the mud. They go in to rescue it, Dogtanian doing most of the work, but before it's out a crocodile comes in. Pip tries to catapult a rock at the croc, but launches himself onto its back, Dogtanian tries to duel it but has to run and is caught in its mouth. The elephant uses his trunk to throw some trees on the croc and saves the day.
Depois de viverem inúmeras aventuras com animais selvagens e os índios que habitam na ilha, Pom brinca com umas bolinhas que descobriu na selva.
Ao saírem de uma gruta, descobrem o barco do Falcão Azul e Dartacão luta contra eles com a ajuda dos Três Moscãoteiros que chegam numa embarcação espanhola. Vencem o Falcão Azul e partem rumo a Paris com as três pedras preciosas mais valiosas do Mundo.