Der „blaue Falke“ flieht über das Meer. Er wird jedoch von D’Artagnan, Pom und den drei Musketieren, dem Grafen Rochefort und Widimer verfolgt. Sie wollen ihm die geraubten Juwelen des spanischen Königs wieder abjagen. Die einen, um sie ihrem König zu übergeben, die anderen, um sich daran zu bereichern. Im Sturm kentert D’Artagnans Schiff. Er und sein Freund Pom können sich auf ein geheimnisvolles Schiff retten.
The Blue Falcon is still at large and wreaking havoc on the high seas. Treville sends Dogtanian and the Three Muskehounds after him. Richelieu allows Rochefort to undertake the same mission. Milady appears at the port and vows revenge, swearing that Dogtanian and his friends will never see France again. Sailing for the south coast of Spain, the Muskehounds have just discovered that Rochefort and Widimer, who has stowed away, are following them in a second ship when a violent storm blows up and both ships are destroyed by a typhoon. Dogtanian and Pip come to alone in the wreckage and board a spooky deserted ship, which turns out to be manned by Milady and a gang of vicious cats. Milady lights a fuse which leads to kegs of gunpowder. Dogtanian and Pip escape in the nick of time, just before the ship blows up. They float in a barrel until an island comes into view, paddle to shore and collapse.
Le gang de l’Aigle bleu s’enfuit par la mer, poursuivi d’un côté par D’Artagnan et les trois mousquetaires, de l’autre par Rochefort et les gardes. L’embarcation de D’Artagnan sombre dans la tempête mais il arrive à rejoindre un bateau fantôme...
O bando do Falcão Azul foge por mar, e é seguido por Dartacão e os Três Moscãoteiros num barco, e Widimer e Rocãoforte noutro. O barco de Dartacão fica destruído devido a uma tempestade provocada por um tufão, mas Dartacão e Pom sobem para um barco fantasma que Milady fez explodir. Dartacão e Pom conseguem manter-se a flutuar dentro de um barril e chegam a uma ilha.