Conan hears two women scream while on the way to the park with Genta and Mitsuhiko. They go to the house where they heard the screams, where they see Hirasawa Kaori and Hirasawa Seiko, who have fallen down some stairs. From their conversation with Hirasawa Ryoji, who arrives shortly afterwards, they learn the women are his wife and mother-in-law, and he is the family's son-in-law. It seems as though all they do is cause trouble for Ryoji. Later, Conan and his friends see Ryoji struggling near the park. According to Ayumi, her neighbors have been talking about the Hirasawa family...
Alors qu’ils se promenaient dans la rue, Conan, Mitsuhiko et Genta entendent des cris en provenance d’une maison et s’y précipitent. Ils y découvrent une mère et sa fille tombées d’un escalier, ainsi qu’un homme que le duo féminin prend un malin plaisir à malmener. Parties faire un footing quelque temps plus tard, les deux femmes sont renversées par une voiture…
어린이 탐정단은 거리에서 우연히 마주친 히라사와가의 데릴사위 료지를 도와 그의 집까지 짐을 옮긴다.
그런데 잠시 후 아이들은 료지의 아내와 장모가 차에 치이는 장면을 목격한다.
코난은 뺑소니범의 차를 뒤쫓았는데, 어째서인지 그자는 피해자들이 입원한 병원으로 향한다.
병원에 도착한 뺑소니범은 몰래 병실에 침입해서 피해자들을 죽이려 하는데...
Conan sente delle urla mentre si reca al parco con Genta e Mitsuhiko. Dopo essere andati nella casa da dove provenivano, trovano due donne che sono cadute dalle scale.
Conan y la liga juvenil investigan un caso en el que se ve involucrada una familia.
La Lliga de Detectius Júnior es veu implicada en un cas en què no tot és el que sembla. En Conan i els seus amics frustren un intent d'assassinat i, més tard, descobreixen que un membre de la família Hirasawa planeja apoderar-se de la fortuna familiar.