The body of Shiraami University basketball team member Urushibara is found inside a burning tent. When Conan examines the interior, his attention is drawn to the single bamboo skewer mixed in with the melted candle. Conan deduces it must have been used in some kind of trick and suspects the killer is among his classmates Midori, Ashizawa, and Danno. Inspector Yuminaga questions the three who visited Urushibara's tent and suspects Danno, the last to visit the tent, killed him. Later, with the help of a photo of the charred Urushibara's left hand and his playing friends, Conan identifies the killer's trick...
Grâce à un indice de Rumi, Conan est en mesure de comprendre que la personne qui l'a tué a créé une sorte de minuteur pour faire croire que la victime était encore éveillée.
El inspector Yuminaga llega a la escena y comienza a investigar el caso con ayuda de Kuroda y la Liga Juvenil, pero Haibara tiene miedo de que Rum esté más cerca de lo que ella cree.
Grazie a un suggerimento di Rumi, Conan riesce a capire che chi l'ha ucciso ha creato una sorta di timer per far credere che la vittima fosse ancora sveglia.
L'inspector Yuminaga arriba a l'escena i comença a investigar el cas amb ajuda de Kuroda i la Lliga Juvenil, però Haibara té por que Rum estigui més a prop del que ella creu.