After the body of Otaro's former partner Kyujiro is found, Otaro is found dead in a locked room at the Hatobue Lodge. It becomes clear that Otaro was one of two culprits wearing Byun masks responsible for the robbery and murder that happened seven years ago. It also comes to light that Manager Yuri Asako's daughter Miona was the witness in the case. The police believe Otaro died in his room accidentally after killing Kyujiro to keep him quiet, but... While investigating Otaro's room, Conan closes in on the truth...
Conan inspecte le cadavre du prince de la bière, retrouvé dans sa chambre. Il comprend la vérité derrière le meurtre et celui d'il y a sept ans, et résout l'affaire.
La investigación continúa para averiguar la relación entre el asesinato de hace 7 años y los cometidos ahora.
Conan intuisce che la povera ragazzina aveva assistito a un omicidio quando era piccola ed è rimasta traumatizzata. Durante le indagini si scopre anche che quasi tutti gli ospiti dell'albergo sono legati a quell'evento.
La investigació continua per esbrinar la relació entre l'assassinat de fa 7 anys i les comeses ara.