Toya beats up the thugs cornering Aki and takes him to where Aya is. Meanwhile Aya and Yuhi are talking and you learn why Yuhi stays at Suzumi's. They fall asleep and Aya wakes up. She goes into Yuhi's room, grabs a book titled, Folklore of Ancient Japan, and goes outside to read it. After reading a legend about a Tennayo, you see Aki. Aya and Aki are finally REUNITED! Although things go astray when Aya turns into Ceres, who tries to kill Aki, and then Aki has to go back to the Mikages. After Aya transforms back she follows after Aki and Toya. She talks with Toya and stays at his apartment.
Toya, dopo aver salvato Aki dai bulli, lo accompagna a casa Aogiri perché possa stare con Aya. I fratelli, dopo essersi ritrovati, dormono nella stessa camera; durante la notte Aya si trasforma in Ceres, la Dea tenta di uccidere Aki perché lo ritiene responsabile del furto dell'hagaromo.
Aki y Aya se encuentran y conversan, sin embargo, en la noche, la presencia de ceres tratando de asesinar a Aki obliga a este a huir con la ayuda de Tooya. Tooya invita a Aya a su casa y le rebela que no recuerda nada de su pasado, y que obedece a los Mikage porque Kagami le prometió ayudarle a recuperar su pasado. Tooya abraza a Aya y ésta pasa la noche en sus brazos y se da cuanta de que le quiere.