Nonoka Komiya moves with her family to her old hometown of Lake Kiriya City, which now has a large flying saucer floating above it. While her father is out the next day, Nonoka encounters a strange girl named Noel, who claims they met each other a long time ago. As Nonoka tries to remember who Noel is, she gets mad at her when she assumes she had cracked a photo of her late mother whilst unpacking her things, telling her not to appear before her again. Upon later learning that the crack was actually an accident on her father's part, Nonoka searches for Noel in order to apologize, during which she remembers knowing Noel from her childhood, realizing she had been waiting at the observatory for her return. As the two reunite at the observatory, Noel states her desire to fulfill her promise to grant Nonoka's wishes.
7년 만에 아빠와 마을로 돌아온 노노카. 산더미처럼 쌓여있는 짐을 모두 풀고 대청소를 혼자 해야 된다는 마음에 처음엔 화를 내지만 마음을 다잡고 시작한다. 그런데 그때, 노노카를 향해서 어떤 소녀가 뛰어드는데…
Nonoka Komiya se muda con su familia a su antigua ciudad natal de Lake Kiriya City, que ahora tiene un gran platillo volador flotando sobre él. Mientras su padre está fuera al día siguiente, Nonoka se encuentra con una chica extraña llamada Noel, quien afirma que se conocieron hace mucho tiempo. Mientras Nonoka trata de recordar quién es Noel, se enoja con ella cuando supone que había roto una foto de su difunta madre mientras desempacaba sus cosas, diciéndole que no apareciera ante ella nuevamente. Luego de enterarse de que la rotura fue en realidad un accidente por parte de su padre, Nonoka busca a Noel para disculparse, durante el cual recuerda haber conocido a Noel desde su infancia, al darse cuenta de que había estado esperando en el observatorio su regreso. Cuando los dos se reúnen en el observatorio, Noel declara su deseo de cumplir su promesa de conceder los deseos de Nonoka.