Als ein Schwarzer erschossen wird, trifft Dunbar nach langer Zeit seinen Kollegen Terry wieder. Dessen aktueller Fall scheint mit diesem Mord zusammenzuhängen, und so machen sich die ehemaligen Partner noch einmal gemeinsam auf die Suche nach den Mördern.
Bei der Überprüfung eines jungen Verdächtigen wird Terry von einem Schuss in die Schulter getroffen, aber Dunbar kommen schnell Zweifel, ob wirklich der Junge geschossen hat ...
The pivotal moment where his former partner failed to step up and take out the bank robber continues to haunt Jim as he is forced to relive losing his eyesight in a recurring nightmare. Jim struggles to move on with his life, but a joint investigation with the 77th precinct pairs him and his current colleagues with Terry Jansen and another detective as they investigate the murder of two gang members. When they head to the home of Titus Oliver, a possible suspect with a previous criminal record for an interview, he attempts to escape by running up to the roof of his apartment.
Terry goes after the suspect alone, and ends up being shot in the shoulder. He tells the other detectives that Titus had fired at him and then he shot back with his 9mm gun. Titus had dropped his weapon as he escaped. The recovered weapon is sent off for testing. Jim is troubled by this story because it conflicts with what he heard. He heard Terry fire the 9mm first and then the shot from Titus' gun. Tit
Jim ne parvient pas à oublier une erreur commise lors d'un braquage de banque. Alors qu'il tente de mettre de l'ordre dans sa vie, on lui demande d'enquêter conjointement avec des policiers du 77e district sur le meurtre de deux membres de gangs...
Il detective Jim Dunbar è convinto che il suo collega Terry Jansen, colui che non lo ha coperto il giorno della rapina in banca quando è rimasto ferito agli occhi, abbia mentito riguardo ad una sparatoria avvenuta durante un inseguimento sul tetto di un edificio. Jim teme infatti che Terry si sia sparato da solo al solo scopo di riguadagnare credibilità agli occhi dei colleghi del distretto.
Jim Dunbar havner i et alvorligt dilemma, da han bliver sat på en sag sammen med sin tidligere kollega Terry, der indirekte var skyld i, at Jim mistede synet. To bandemedlemmer er blevet dræbt, og da Terry forsøger at arrestere den hovedmistænkte, Titus Oliver, skyder Oliver ham i skulderen. Det hævder Terry i hvert fald, men Jim er ikke sikker på, at han taler sandt.