Auf dem Revier herrscht tiefe Trauer, nachdem Carl Desmond, ein Kollege, ermordet wurde. Noch weiß man nichts über Täter und Tatmotive, doch Jim Dunbars Verdacht fällt auf Carls Frau Mary Beth, die eine Affäre mit Carls Partner Eric hatte.
Als Dunbar etwas von dieser Beziehung zu ahnen beginnt und Mary Beth und Eric hart ins Verhör nimmt, halten ihn die Kollegen für pietätlos und unkollegial - doch Dunbar lässt nicht locker ...
The 8th precinct is distraught when one of their detectives from the anti-crime unit is found murdered. Carl Desmond was shot in the head and his body was thrown in a dumpster. His colleagues and grieving widow, Mary Beth suspects that his murder was an act of revenge by someone he had previously put away. Karen is put in charge of the case, as she and the rest of the detectives must tread carefully in the investigation into the murder of one of their own.
When Mary Beth's past infidelities come to light, Tom and Marty investigate a married man named Don Bellamy whom she was having an affair with. While going in a different direction, Karen and Jim put their reputation on line with other cops at their squad when their main suspect is Carl's partner, Eric who had put in a request for a transfer a week before the murder. In the midst of the investigation, a frustrated Jim confronts Marty who is purposely making things difficult for him by rearranging the squad so that he would walk
Carl Desmond, l'un des policiers du 8e district, est retrouvé mort. Ses collègues pensent tout de suite qu'il s'agit d'un acte de vengeance. Le meurtrier est probablement un criminel que Carl aurait contribué à faire arrêter. L'affaire est confiée à Karen. C'est alors que Tom découvre une autre piste...
L'8° distretto è alle prese con l'omicidio di un agente dell'Anticrimine. Jim nutre dei sospetti nei confronti della moglie, la quale ammette di aver avuto una relazione extraconiugale. Messo sotto torchio, il collega della vittima confessa di essere innamorato della donna e di averla aiutata a disfarsi del cadavere. Jim si scontra con Marty che continua a spostare i mobili e le sedie dell'ufficio.
Jim Dunbar og hans makker Karen Bettancourt må efterforske mordet på en af deres egne, da kriminalassistent Carl Desmond findes skudt. Desmonds nærmeste kolleger tror, at mordet er en hævnakt begået af nogen, som Desmond har sendt bag tremmer. Men Jims lugtesans fører ham til en ganske anden og mere kontroversiel teori.