Jim und Karen jagen einen Vergewaltiger, der die Gesichter seiner Opfer brutal entstellt. Die Spur führt ins Gefängnis, denn der zu lebenslänglicher Haft verurteilte Leonard Mattis ist mit beiden Opfern verwandt.
Schnell finden die Ermittler heraus, dass Mattis auch innerhalb des Gefängnis für seine extreme Brutalität bekannt ist. Zieht er nun aus dem Gefängnis heraus die Fäden, um sich an seinen Angehörigen zu rächen?
Two women are brutally raped and their faces have been branded with a deep jagged cut by their attacker. The detectives interview a white supremacist in prison named Leonard Mattis who might be connected somehow with the attacks due to him being related to the victims through blood and marriage. He denies any involvement. They don't believe him as Mattis' wide range of power and connections in and out of prison is a major factor in these assaults.
Meanwhile, Jim's patience begins to wear thin as his growing agitation over Marty's actions against him becomes more apparent to the other detectives at the precinct. Also, the fear of no longer being someone who is adequate enough to be there for and protect his wife and partner begins to take hold, as the investigation potentially endangers Karen and causes Jim to sporadically visualize Christie as a victim.
Deux femmes sont sauvagement violées et leurs visages lacérés. La seule piste que suivent les policiers les mène à Leonard Mattis, un détenu, qui a un lien de parenté avec les deux victimes. Leonard affirme n'être au courant de rien, malgré ses nombreuses relations à l'extérieur de la prison...
La squadra indaga su due violenze sessuali. Le vittime sono la sorella e l'ex-moglie di Leonard Mathis, un detenuto che sta scontando una condanna all'ergastolo a Sing Sing. Jim e Karen volgono la loro attenzione anche a Marlon Condell, un uomo che è stato brutalizzato da Mathis durante la permanenza in carcere. Quando i poliziotti lo interrogano, l'uomo si toglie la vita davanti a loro.
Makkerparret Jim Dunbar og Karen Bettancourt går på jagt efter en maskeret mand, der har voldtaget og skamferet to kvinder. Straffefangen Leonard Mattis synes at være nøglen til mysteriets løsning, for det ene af ofrene er hans søster, mens det andet er hans ekskone. Sagen tærer hårdt på Jim, der ikke kan lade være med at forestille sig sin egen kone i ofrenes rolle.