The Black Bulls return to where their base originally was. Henry has to return the Raging Bull back into their hideout, but apparently, that takes some time. Meanwhile, Yami tells the Black Bulls to go find the magical beasts that escaped from the hideout. They had run away when Rades and the others had attacked the hideout and had been wandering around the forest ever since. There was even a chance that they had returned to their feral states. Their fear comes true, as one Black Bull is attacked after another.
Dopo tutto quello che è successo, la compagnia del Toro Nero, torna a casa loro anche se Henry prima dovrà ricostruirla.
Tras todo lo ocurrido los Toros Negros regresan a su hogar, aunque primero tendrá que reconstruirlo Henry, claro.
Os Touros Negros retornam para o local original de seu QG. Yami ordena aos magos que encontrem as feras mágicas que escaparam neste meio tempo, após o ataque de Rades e os demais.
Le Taureau noir rentre au QG, mais cela ne sera pas pour autant synonyme de répit… En effet, le manoir est sens dessus dessous et les fauves se sont échappés !
يعود أفراد الثيران السوداء إلى موقع مقرهم، لكنهم يكتشفون وجود مشكلة عليهم حلها في الحال
검은 폭우단이 자신들의 아지트가 있던 숲으로 돌아간다. 헨리가 아지트를 다시 만드는 동안, 야미는 폭우 단원들에게 자신의 애완동물이었던 마수 세 마리를 찾아오라고 지시한다. 라데스에게 습격을 받았을 때 도망친 마수들은 야생의 생활에 적응해 무시무시하게 변화했을지도 모른다. 그리고 숲에 들어간 단원들이 한 명 한 명씩 공격당하기 시작하는데…
Os Touros Negros retornam para o local original de seu QG. Yami ordena aos magos que encontrem as feras mágicas que escaparam neste meio tempo, após o ataque de Rades e os demais.
Der Schwarze Stier kehrt nach langer Zeit endlich wieder zurück in das Hauptquartier. Das ist jedoch zerstört und muss neu aufgebaut werden. Und zu allem Überfluss sind auch noch Yamis magische Biester ausgebüxt und müssen schleunigst wieder eingefangen werden …