Asta and Noelle visit Leopold in hospital where Fuegoleon is still in a coma. Having both received encouragement from Fuegoleon Asta and Noelle swear to defeat the Midnight Sun on his behalf. Asta shares his confusion with Noelle about something Vetto said about not being able to forgive humans. Klaus warns them to be vigilant against the Midnight Sun's spies, though as they leave a shadow attaches itself to Asta and follows them. Klaus worries that despite being the strongest knights in the kingdom; most of the Royal Knights are also some of the worst troublemakers, such as Luck and Zora. The shadow attempts to spy on Mereoleona but she spots and exposes it as a spy whom she captures and interrogates. She decides they will attack the Midnight Sun in the morning rather than in three days, though Zora suspects she always intended to do so. To infiltrate the Midnight Sun's hideout they split into teams with orders to reach the centre by any means necessary. Mereoleona teams up with Asta and Zora. As the battle begins Rhya decides to join the battle, activating the Third Eye in his forehead while secretly revealing Licht is not in the hideout but is somewhere else entirely.
Tout le monde se prépare au combat final. Toutefois, un événement imprévu risque de changer le timing.
Mereoleona prepara i Royal Knights per invadere il covo dell'Occhio Magico della Notte Bianca, ma un evento inaspettato durante il primo incontro della nuova squadra cavalleresca può modificare drasticamente i piani del capitano.
백야의 마안 스파이를 붙잡은 메레오레오나는 백야의 마안이 자신들의 움직임을 아직 파악 못 했단 사실을 알아내고 곧바로 백야의 마안의 아지트, 그라비토 암석대 부유 던전으로 향한다. 5개 조로 나뉘어서 적의 아지트로 돌입하는 로열 나이츠. 아스타는 메레오레오나 단장, 졸라 이데알레와 한 조를 이뤄 정면을 공략한다.
Mereoleona prepara os Cavaleiros Reais para invadir o covil do Olho do Sol da Meia-Noite em três dias, mas um evento inesperado durante a primeira reunião do novo esquadrão de cavaleiros pode alterar drasticamente os planos da capitã.
Los Caballeros Reales se preparan para entrar en la guaridad de Ojo de la Noche Blanca, aunque para ello deberán organizarse primero.
Mereoleona prepara os Cavaleiros Reais para invadir o covil do Olho do Sol da Meia-Noite em três dias, mas um evento inesperado durante a primeira reunião do novo esquadrão de cavaleiros pode alterar drasticamente os planos da capitã.
Asta und die anderen Royal Knights versammeln sich vor dem Angriff auf das Kalte Auge der Mitternachtssonne. Doch sie werden beobachtet ...
يستعد جميع أفراد الفرسان الملكيين بعد إعلان أسماء أفرادهم للهجوم على مخبأ عين شمس منتصف الليل بعد ثلاثة أيام