Asta ist nach seinem Ausscheiden und dem Sie Yunos schwer deprimiert. Die anderen Mitglieder des Schwarzen Stiers versuchen, ihn aufzuheitern.
Having failed to face Yuno in a duel Asta becomes depressed and unresponsive to the Bulls efforts to cheer him up. The other Bulls are all nervous about the results of the exam and excited to find out which of them has been chosen as a Royal Knight. To snap them all out of their odd behaviour Yami orders them to participate in a team bath. While in the bath Yami reminisces about his past when he first joined the Grey Deer squad, now known as the Aqua Deer squad, with the Wizard King as his squad captain. He was hired by villagers to protect their harvest from bandits in exchange for food since the villagers had no money. Yami agreed but while fighting the bandits was overwhelmed by their numbers, until he received help from Captain Vangeance, who at that time was only another member of the Grey Deer’s, not yet a captain. Together they captured all the bandits except the leader who escaped. Before going their separate ways Yami and Vangeance decided to become rivals and see who would become a Squad Captain first, and their rivalry continued for many years afterward.
De retour au repaire du Taureau noir, Asta déprime. Tous ses camarades tentent de lui remonter le moral, et Yami se souvient du moment où il a intégré une compagnie.
Tornati alla base della compagnia del Toto Nero, Asta è depresso. Tutti i suoi compagni stanno cercando di tirarlo su di morale, e Yami ricorda di quando è entrato in una compagnia.
로열 나이츠 선발시험에서 유노와 싸워 보지도 못한 채 유노와의 실력 차를 여실히 느낀 아스타는 넋이 나간 상태로 꼼짝도 않고 있다. 그런 모습을 본 야미는 목욕하면서 땀을 빼면 기운을 차릴 거라면서 검은 폭우단 단원들을 목욕탕으로 끌고 간다. 그리고 예전에 마법 기사가 되고 얼마 안 됐을 무렵 얘기를 꺼낸다.
Asta está traumatizado por el hecho de que Yuno le haya sacado ventaja y sus compañeros intentan animarlo, incluyendo Yami, quien cuenta su historia con el capitán de Amanecer Dorado.
Por alguma razão, o capitão Yami chama todos os Touros Negros para tomar um banho com ele. Depois de não poder lutar com Yuno nas finais, Asta estava agindo como se sua alma tivesse sido consumida. No banho, Yami começa a contar sobre um incidente que aconteceu quando ele havia acabado de se tornar um Cavaleiro Mágico e partiu em uma jornada para treinar.
يدعو يامي الثيران السوداء للاستحمام معه ويبدأ في إخبارهم بحادثة وقعت له عندما أصبح فارس سحر لأول مرة وبدأ رحلته الطويلة في التدريب