Nachdem die Sinacks besiegt wurden, hoffen die erschöpften Soldaten auf ein wenig Ruhe. Doch neue Gefahr, geschürt aus einem hinterhältigen Komplott, ist bereits im Anmarsch …
The Sinack have been subdued, but the Imperial Army finds that it's been caught in a trap! A huge army from the Aldera nation has crossed the supposedly-impassable northern mountains, and threatens to overwhelm the exhausted Imperial forces. Ikta's only way out is to force a peace treaty with the Sinack and ask for their help, which means going to their defeated leader and abasing himself. Will she respond to his pleas, after the Imperials burned her village and killed her people? How far is he willing to go earn her forgiveness?
L’armée de Katjvarna se livre à toutes les exactions dans le village de Nanak Dar, qu’Ikta sauve in extremis d’un viol. Le répit des Chevaliers impériaux est cependant de courte durée, puisque l’armée nationale d’Aldera s’avance sur le territoire impérial sous le prétexte d’une enquête sur des sévices liés aux esprits… et ne semble pas animée que de bonnes intentions.
El Sacro Ejército de Aldera hace presencia en la Gran Alafatra alegando sospechas de que el ejército del imperio violó los mandamientos Aldera. Cuando recién termina una guerra, el comienzo de otra parece inevitable.
I Sinack non sono più un pericolo, ma in compenso l'Esercito Imperiale ha appena scoperto di essere stato preso in trappola! Un immenso esercito della nazione di Aldera ha appena attraversato le insormontabili montagne settentrionali, e ora minaccia di schiacciare le truppe Imperiali, ormai esauste.