Der Vernichtungskrieg gegen die Sinak wird immer heftiger und man versucht, eine Entscheidungsschlacht herbeizuführen. Aber die große Frage bleibt: Ist Matthew nun Held oder Krieger?
The war against the mountain people continues, and the imperial forces are about to make one last march to their final staging ground. The incompetent imperial commanders pick a route that leaves their flanks exposed to an attack, but fortunately Ikta persuades them to dismount and use their shields. In the midst of the Sinack attack, a group of unknown assassins appears out of nowhere and heads straight for the Lieutenant General! They're heavily armed and highly trained, but can Yatori stop them in time?
Les cadets ont rejoint le front. Le lieutenant-général Safida souhaite en finir avec l’ennemi au plus vite, ce qui conduit les troupes dans un ravin où une embuscade ne semble pas des plus improbables…
La guerra contro la gente delle montagne prosegue, con le truppe imperiali in marcia verso il campo dove si consumerà la battaglia decisiva. L'incompetente comandante imperiale ha scelto un percorso che lascia i fianchi dell'esercito in marcia esposti a potenziali attacchi, ma per fortuna Ikta riesce a persuaderlo a smontare da cavallo e far riparare le truppe dietro gli scudi.
El grupo de Ikta llega a la vanguardia y, para su fortuna, se encuentran con que el recientemente nombrado capitán Sazaluf es mucho más cuerdo que el teniente general Safida. La guerra contra los sinacks se acerca a su fin.