Night Raid bekommt es mit sehr unangenehmen Gegnern zu tun: Bols, Kurome und ihren Puppen. Zwischen den Rebellen und den Mitgliedern der Yaegers beginnt ein Duell auf Leben und Tod. Die Night-Raid-Kämpfer geraten von einer brenzligen Situation in die nächste: So verliert Leone einen Arm, und Mine findet sich plötzlich im Bauch eines Kaiserfroschs wieder …
Night Raid engages Bols and Kurome along with her puppets. Kurome draws first attack from her puppet Destaghoul, an ultra-class Danger Beast, who shoots a powerful beam and afterwards the hand-to-hand combat begins as Akame engages Bols and the puppet bodyguard Woll after a short melee with Kurome and their deceased friend turned puppet Natala, then Tatsumi against Apeman and Hentarr, Susanoo against Destaghoul, Leone against Rokgough, and Mine against the gunslinger Doya. Leone's left arm gets amputated by Kurome while battling Rokgough and Najenda tells Leone to leave Rokgough to her because they're both Imperial generals and close friends. Najenda destroys Rokgough and quickly heads to Susanoo. Bols questions Akame in joining the Revolutionary Army and Akame responded that she chose it from her heart and thinks it is the right path. Leone joins Akame as they double-teamed against Bols, eliminating Woll in the process and Leone disables Bols' flamethrower. Tatsumi is having a hard time fighting Apeman and Hentarr but a disguised Chelsea distracts Hentarr which disables his movement by the use of a needle punctured on his head then being sliced by Tatsumi. Then Tatsumi gains the upper hand in eliminating Apeman. Mine was swallowed by a Kaiser frog, the eight puppet summoned by Kurome. However, Mine destroys the frog. Susanoo transforms into a much powerful form gained from Najenda's life force and destroys Destaghoul. In a desperate attempt, Bols throws his Rubicante upward and detonates intending to destroy Akame and Leone.
Un combat sans pitié s’engage entre tous les assassins du Night Raid et les deux combattants Jägers restants. Mais alors qu'ils pensaient pouvoir profiter de leur supériorité numérique, Tatsumi et ses compagnons doivent déchanter lorsque Kurome retourne la situation en faisant appel à de redoutables combattants qu'elle manipule grâce à son arme impériale...
I ribelli e gli Jaeger si affrontano in un duro combattimento. Riusciranno i Night Raid ad avere la meglio su Bols, Kurome e le loro marionette?
8개의 시체를 자유자재로 조종하는 쿠로메의 공격에 나이트레이드 멤버들은 고전을 면치 못한다. 특히 아카메는 무라사메의 독이 듣지 않는 시체인형 때문에 공격에 애를 먹는데...
Por fin comienza el brutal combate de los miembros de Night Raid contra Kurome, que viene protegida por sus marionetas, y Bols. Todo apunta a que tendrán que esforzarse al máximo para poder salir adelante en esta dura situación.
A batalha feroz entre a Night Raid e os Jaegers. Nela, a irmã da Kurome se apresentar como um grande empecilho e, em vista dos seus poderes, ninguém sabe que fim terão todos.
赤瞳和妹妹黑瞳终于见面,黑瞳用帝具八房召唤出八具尸体,攻击Night Raid等人。玛茵在暗处偷袭黑瞳未果,雷欧奈对战时被砍断双臂,赤瞳和塔兹米与尸体和波鲁斯对战。须佐之男吸收BOSS的生命力,使用隐藏技狂化,秒杀巨大的危险种尸体。断臂雷欧奈和赤瞳合作,破坏了波鲁斯的帝具,战斗仍在激烈进行着……