Der Pfad des Friedens, eine pazifistische Religionsgemeinschaft, plant in der Hauptstadt eine Revolte. Najenda hat einen Plan, wie Night Raid den kommenden Aufstand für sich nutzen kann: Im allgemeinen Durcheinander starten die Rebellen zusammen mit anderen, verbündeten Kämpfern eigene Attacken auf die Hauptstadt.
Lubbock asks Tatsumi why he teleported Esdeath back to the mainland instead of leaving her on the island. However, Najenda responds that Esdeath would have escaped the island either way before revealing that she knows her personally. Meanwhile, Wave confronts Seryu about murdering three bandits who were suspected Night Raid members, but she brushes him off. Despite remarking that the Capital is twisted, Wave maintains his loyalty as a soldier. Later, Najenda tells Night Raid about Path of Peace, a pacifist religious organization that is inciting a religious insurrection, and that the Revolutionary Army (the rebellion force Night Raid is a part of) and an allied tribe will launch attacks against the Capital simultaneous to Path of Peace's uprising. She then assigns Night Raid to assassinate Borick, the adviser to Path of Peace's founder who is a spy for the prime minister and is drugging several of the religion's followers into obedience, also instructing them to take out the Jaegers, especially Kurome and Bols, who will undoubtedly respond. The next day, Akame begins expressing her doubts about battling Kurome, but Mine comforts her. Meanwhile, Esdeath splits the Jaegers into two teams: she will attack Najenda with Seryu and Ran, while Wave, Kurome, and Bols will pursue Akame. Wave's team arrives at a canyon, where Mine fires at Kurome, but she dodges the shot. Susanoo arrives and knocks Wave away, leaving Kurome and Bols to be confronted by the entire Night Raid team. Kurome activates her Imperial Arm, Yatsufusa, which brings forth the last eight victims of its blade as Kurome's puppets. Among those summoned is a gigantic Danger Beast, which Night Raid prepares to battle.
Lors d’une mission dont elle se tire d’affaire in extremis, Chelsea prend conscience que les Jägers n’en ont plus qu’après le Night Raid. C'est très précisément pourquoi Najenda annonce à Tatsumi et à ses compagnons que l’armée révolutionnaire a décidé de passer à l’action. Mais pour la réussite de cette opération, le Night Raid va d’abord devoir éliminer les Jägers...
Mentre nella capitale scoppiano nuove rivolte, i Night Raid si preparano per il colpo di grazia contro gli Jaeger.
民衆に広く信仰され、勢力を拡大している宗教・安寧道が、腐敗した帝国に対し近々武装蜂起を起こすという。この情報を嗅ぎつけた革命軍は、これを利用して帝国打倒を企てる。 ナイトレイドに課せられた任務は、教主の補佐で、帝国が送り込んだスパイでもあるボリックの討伐。そして、同時にイェーガーズの討伐も命ぜられる。
본격적으로 나이트레이드를 수색하기 나선 예거즈. 그리고 대형 종교집단 안녕도의 무장봉기 타이밍에 맞추어 혁명군은 본격적으로 제국을 타도할 계획을 세우는데...
Los miembros de Night Raid tienen decidido acabar con el líder de una secta religiosa muy peligrosa que se llama la Senda de la Paz. Por otro lado, los Jaegers salen a la luz para acabar con Akame y compañía a pesar de que saben que les habían tendido una trampa.
Começam os preparativos para o embate das duas forças opositoras: os Jaegers e a Night Raid. No meio da disputa, uma religião que pode alavancar a causa da Força Revolucionária.
切尔茜的暗杀情报外泄,她差点就和狩人碰面了。帝都加紧对Night Raid的搜查,赛琉对正义的扭曲信念让威尔感到害怕。宗教组织安宁道武装起义,革命军准备利用这次机会,和同盟夹击帝国。Night Raid的任务则是刺杀帝都大臣和狩人们,切尔茜对塔兹米产生好感,实现理想的战斗即将开始。