Da Kei in einem Regierungslabor grausamen Experimenten unterzogen wird, drängt Tanaka ihn dazu, seine dunkle Seite freizusetzen. Sato plant derweil eine Rettungsmission.
Yu Tosaki and the police arrive and take Kei into custody. Sato reveals that it was his plot to have Kei captured by the government so that they would mistreat him and thus turn him against humans. The government surgeons begin experimenting on Kei in a sealed room. Under intense pain, his Black Ghost appears, but Kei resists using it to kill the surgeon. Sato and Tanaka mercilessly attack the installation, until Sato finally reaches Kei to free him. However Sato discovers that Kei has not become the vengeful Ajin that he expected, and considers his strategy a failure.
Tanaka incite Kei à libérer son côté sombre alors qu'il subit des souffrances atroces dans un laboratoire du gouvernement. Sato élabore un plan de sauvetage.
Mentre Kei subisce brutali esperimenti in un laboratorio governativo, Tanaka lo esorta a scatenare il suo lato oscuro. Intanto, Sato organizza una missione di salvataggio.
정부 연구실의 끔찍한 실험으로 고통받는 케이에게 타나카는 어둠의 모습을 드러내라고 요구한다. 한편 사토는 구조 작전을 세운다.
Kei es sometido a horribles experimentos y Tanaka le suplica que libere su lado oscuro, mientras Sato planea una misión de rescate.
Kei passa por experiências horríveis em um laboratório do governo, onde Tanaka o estimula a liberar seu lado sombrio. Sato planeja uma missão de resgate.