Nachdem ein Motorradfahrer ihn von der Straße drängt, ist Kei allmählich froh über seine Kräfte als Ajin. Izumi besucht Keis Schwester, um mehr über Kei zu erfahren.
Kaito and Kei are seen and pursued by another motorcyclist. Meanwhile Yu Tosaki recognises Sato, an Ajin hunter at the original accident scene. The other motorcyclist causes the boys to crash, but Kaito recovers and knocks him unconscious. Unfortunately Kei has a broken leg and cannot move. He uses the motorcyclist’s knife to kill himself, and then fully recovers without injuries. Sato and Koji Tanaka discuss ways to find Kei Nagai. Kaito takes Kei to his retreat in the forest where he suggests that they to go to Kyushu Kei sees the Black Ghost again. Yu Tosaki’s assistant, Izumi Shimomura, questions Kei’s sister Eriko who tells her of the time Kei saw a Black Ghost when their dog died. Suddenly a Black Ghost appears and kills Izumi Shimomura and the police officers before her eyes.
Kei s'habitue peu à peu à son statut d'Ajin après s'être fait renverser. Izumi rend visite à la sœur de Kei afin d'en savoir plus sur son passé.
Dopo essere stato spinto fuori strada da un motociclista, Kei comincia ad abituarsi ai suoi poteri da Ajin. Izumi chiede alla sorella di Kei informazioni sul suo passato.
케이는 오토바이에 치이고 난 후, 아인으로서 자신이 지닌 능력을 받아들이기 시작한다. 이즈미는 케이의 과거를 알아내기 위해 그의 여동생을 찾아간다.
Kei comienza a aceptar sus habilidades como Ajin tras un accidente con una moto. Izumi visita a la hermana de Kei para conocer más sobre su pasado.
Izumi visita a irmã de Kei para saber mais sobre o seu passado. Enquanto isso, o garoto começa a aceitar melhor suas habilidades.