Du Mexique jusqu'au désert du Maghreb en passant par la péninsule arabique : une série documentaire en quatre épisodes sur les secrets des oasis. Face aux défis environnementaux qui les entourent, ces jardins d'Eden foisonnants pourraient apporter des solutions à l'heure du dérèglement climatique.
Le oasi non sono solo un miraggio verde da cartolina. Sono un ecosistema complesso e unico, alcune sono stati costruiti dal genio di uomini e donne, attraverso la gestione esperta delle risorse naturali. Ma le difficili condizioni ambientali di oggi potrebbero mettere a repentaglio questo fragile equilibrio.
Oases are not just a haven of green coming straight out of a postcard. A complex and unique ecosystem, they were built by the genius of men and women, through the expert management of natural resources, based on traditional skills. But today’s challenging environmental conditions might jeopardize this fragile balance.
Embark on a journey to the most beautiful oases in the world, and meet the people who created these unique landscapes. Together, they join forces into these open-air laboratories to maintain the traditional oasis lifestyle and initiate new projects to preserve this unique ecosystem.
From Morocco to Mexico through the United Arab Emirates, each episode plunges us into a dream-like journey, to discover these changing ecosystems.
Von Mexiko über die Wüste Maghreb bis zur Arabischen Halbinsel – in lebensfeindlichen Landschaften dienen Oasen als Orte des Wachstums und der Regeneration. Doch sie stellen nicht nur Gärten Eden dar, sondern versprechen auch wichtige Lehren für das Leben in Zeiten des Klimawandels. (Text: arte)
- Oasen - Grüne Paradiese in der Wüste