Un éden en plein Far West : dans le nord-ouest du Mexique, Los Comondu constitue l’une des cent vingt oasis qui ponctuent le vaste désert de Basse-Californie. L’eau qui en jaillit a permis aux pionniers venus d'Europe de conquérir ce territoire où il ne pleut que quelques jours par an et où les températures peuvent atteindre 50 °C. Grâce à cette précieuse ressource, la vigne y a fait son apparition.
Un Eden nel Far West: nel nord-ovest del Messico, Los Comondu è una delle centoventi oasi che punteggiano il vasto deserto della Baja California. L'acqua che vi sgorga ha permesso ai pionieri europei di conquistare questo territorio estremo dove piove solo pochi giorni all'anno e le temperature possono raggiungere i 50°C.
A Garden of Eden in the Wild West, an oasis in America: Los Comondú is one of 120 oases located in the 1,200 kilometre long desert in Mexico's Lower California. Here it rains only a few days a year and the temperature reaches up to 50 degrees Celsius. Nevertheless, water flows in Los Comondú, which enabled the first settlers from Europe to conquer this part of America - and even to perform the miracle of growing wine in the desert. The first inhabitants of Los Comondú were Europeans. Today, the oasis, long isolated and relatively unknown, is gaining attention. Scientists are fascinated by this Eldorado where water becomes wine - because that is exactly what happens in Los Comondú. Today, cowboys and winegrowers inhabit this gem in the desert.
Ein Garten Eden im Wilden Westen, eine Oase in Amerika: Los Comondu ist eine von 120 Oasen, die in der 1.200 Kilometer langen Wüste im mexikanischen Niederkalifornien liegen. Hier regnet es nur wenige Tage im Jahr. Dennoch fließt in Los Comondu Wasser, sodass sogar Wein angebaut werden kann.