Mana erzählt Yūta versehentlich von Kitarō, der daraufhin ganz versessen nach dem Eingang in den GeGeGe-Wald sucht und … ihn tatsächlich findet. Voller Freude begutachtet er die Yōkai, die er alle aus Erzählungen kennt, doch er ahnt nicht, welche Gefahren in diesem Wald lauern.
An elementary school student named Yūta hears stories about Kitarō from his neighbor, Mana, and finally ended up visiting the GeGeGe Forest. It was the first time in a few hundred years that a human last wandered into the forest. Kitarō tried to return the boy back to the human world but was urged by his father and Sunakake-Babaa to show Yūta around the forest. He unwillingly obliged, along with Neko-Musume. Yūta, who is familiar with yōkai, is delighted when he gets to meet various yōkai on his tour. However, the state of the forest suddenly changes! One after another, Kitarō and his friends get attacked. Medama-Oyaji says that Yūta is the cause...!?
Le petit Yûta veut absolument rencontrer Kitarô et ses amis ! Mana lui montre où pourrait se trouver la forêt repoussante, où vivent les yôkai, mais elle ne s’attendait pas à ce que le garçon y accède vraiment !
Yuta fica sabendo por Mana a respeito da floresta Yokai, e quando a visita acontece, Kitaro tenta levá-lo de volta ao mundo humano, mas é impedido.