Don Carlos Fernandez decides to draw Joe Crane into the open by laying claim to the mountain man's furs and burro. Diego tries to end the feud by offering to buy the goods, but Fernandez refuses. Only Crane's death will satisfy him now. When Crane hears that Fernandez has his furs, he reacts predictably and goes to the man's hacienda to fight for his possessions.
Fernandez is ready and his men are concealed throughout the grounds, waiting to attack Crane on his orders. Just as he is about to give the command to kill Crane, Fernandez is surprised by the arrival of Zorro, who has suspected a trap. Zorro blocks a cowardly shot at Crane, who then knocks Fernandez unconscious. Hernando sets Lobo after the mountain man, but Crane gives a long whistle to the attacking animal. Surprisingly, Lobo reacts by stopping his charge, then wags his tail as he approaches Crane. The episode ends as Crane heads back into the mountains, his furs safely aboard his burro, and Lobo happily following behind him.
Don Carlos Fernandez met tout en oeuvre pour attraper Joe le trappeur. Il se sert de ses fourrures dans le but de l'attirer dans son hacienda. Mais lorsque Don Diego apprend les plans de Fernandez, il décide de racheter les fourrures pour sauver Joe...
A hegylakó önfejű. Az eladásra szánt szörméi a kaszárnyában maradtak, azok nélkül pedig nem hajlandó távozni Los Angelesből. A bosszúszomjas földbirtokos megszerzi Garcia őrmestertől a szőrméket. Azok segítségével akarja lépre csalni a hegylakót. Biztosra megy, halálos csapdát állít. Zorro azonban ezt megneszeli és megmenti a mit sem sejtő hegylakó életét.
Don Carlos decide di far uscire Joe Crane allo scoperto acquistando le pelli del montanaro ben sapendo che l’uomo avrebbe fatto di tutto per riaverle. Diego tenta di mettere fine alla disputa cercando di acquistare le pelli, ma Fernandez rifiuta. Quando Crane viene a sapere il fatto si reca subito all’hacienda di Don Carlos per rivendicare la sua proprietà ignaro della trappola organizzata per ucciderlo. Zorro, che sospetta il pericolo, interviene ancora una volta bloccando appena in tempo gli uomini di Fernandez. Hernando libera Lobo e lo incita ad attaccare il montanaro che però riesce a conquistare la simpatia del cane. L’episodio finisce con Crane che torna alle montagne con le sue pelli e con il suo asino e Lobo come compagni di viaggio.