After defeating Stinger, and his Saber Fang Stinger Special, Van and the rest continue their journey to Guygalos. Metelinick gives Minister Prozan, the Ring of Guylos. Then Van and the guys are talking about how they are going to get Rudolph back to Guygalos. Stinger makes it to a bar in a village, where he tells the Krossbow Brothers immediately make there way off to where Van and the rest of the gang are, in Desert Hel Digunners. Dr. D finds out Fiona is an Ancient Zoidian, a lost race of people that were thought to be whipped out a long time ago by the Deathsaur. Meanwhile, Raven is heading off to destroy another fortress in the Republican Army. At the palace, Minister Prozan announces to everyone Rudolph has been assasinated by an elite squadron of Republican Forces and Then he takes the throne. Raven attacks with the Genosaur and the fortress attacks with several Gordos, but Raven was unharmed within 3 minutes the base in complete ruins. Then the cores of the zoids were ripped out
הלורד פרוזן מכריז בפני השרים שהנסיך רודולף מת ומראה להם את הטבעת הקיסרית כהוכחה. בינתיים, הנסיך רודולף וחבריו מנסים להגיע לקיסרות כדי למנוע את השתלטותו של לורד פרוזן. במהלך הדרך מסתבר לד"ר די שפיונה היא זוידיאנית בעלת כוחות מיוחדים.
Después de derrotar a Stinger y su Saber Fang Stinger Special, Van y el resto continúan su viaje a Guygalos. Metelinick le da al Ministro Prozan, el Anillo de Guylos. Luego, Van y los muchachos están hablando de cómo llevarán a Rudolph de regreso a Guygalos.