Kiyo finds Tia and Megumi have lost consciousness, and Wonrei is gravely injured. The Mamodo, Demolt, aims his attack at Megumi and Tia but is interrupted by Laila. Megumi and Tia regains consciousness and use "Saifogeo" in an attempt to save Wonrei's life. Continuing the battle against Demolt, Zatch and Ponygon attempt to distract him, while Laila aims for the moonstone above, but Demolt intercepts the attack. Elsewhere, Sherry and Brago continue their pursuit on Zofis. Zofis puts on a helmet that emits a protective barrier around him, making the attacks futile. Laila notices that Demolt is too smart and realizes that his book owner is not controlled by Zofis. The book owner reveals himself to be Roberto Vile, and that Zofis promised him the moonstone if he helps him become king. He plans on using the moonstone to brainwash people into doing his bidding. Kiyo and Zatch, angered by the man's evil goal, know they must not lose the battle.
Kiyo trova Megumi e Tia prive di coscienza e Wonrei gravemente ferito. Demolt attacca Tia e Megumi, ma viene fermato da Laila. Le due riprendono conoscenza e usano "Saifogeo" per salvare la vita di Wonrei. Zatch, Ponygon e Laila iniziano così a combattere contro Demolt.
Kiyo encuentra Tia y Megumi han perdido la conciencia, y Wonrei está gravemente herido. El Mamodo, Demolt, apunta con su ataque a Megumi y Tia pero es interrumpido por Laila. Megumi y Tia recupera el conocimiento y el uso de "Saifogeo" en un intento de salvar la vida de Wonrei.
月の石のある部屋には、千年前の魔物で四天王最強を誇る、デモルトが待ち受けていた。ティオ&恵たちより一足遅く着いたガッシュたち。ウォンレイは既に倒れて横たわっている! とてつもなく巨大で、とてつもない力を誇る魔物・デモルトは、雄叫びだけでガッシュたちの動きを止めてしまう。