К Ольге Бобровой за помощью обращается ее бывший коллега по работе подполковник Антон Яковлев, с которым у нее в юности был роман. Вместе они разыскивают двоих сбежавших из колонии преступников — насильника Михаила Головина и убийцу Гошу Чобуа. Следствие устанавливает, что Головин, осужденный несколько лет назад за изнасилование собственного пасынка Алексея Харитонова, может угрожать ему, а также его матери Кларе и их общему сыну Даниле.
Olga Bobrova is asked for help by her former work colleague, Lieutenant Colonel Anton Yakovlev, with whom she had an affair in her youth. Together they are looking for two criminals who escaped from the colony - the rapist Mikhail Golovin and the murderer Goshu Chobu. The investigation establishes that Golovin, convicted several years ago for the rape of his own stepson Alexei Kharitonov, may threaten him, as well as his mother Klara and their common son Danila. Bobrova and Yakovlev talk with Golovin's mother Zinaida Petrovna, but she does not admit where her son is hiding. Investigators detain Gosha, who says that he and Golovin managed to bribe the guard. Only after the mysterious disappearance of Alexei and the confession of Gosha, Zinaida Petrovna reports that she herself organized and paid for the escape of her son and gives Bobrova his address. Bobrova goes to Golovin's apartment, where he keeps Alexei, and also becomes his hostage.