Десятилетний приемный сын известной певицы Эльзы Паршиной Миша погибает под колесами автомобиля. Гувернантка Миши и продюсер певицы Ирина в один голос обвиняют в смерти мальчика его учителя информатики Сергея Бязырева, который, якобы, совершал попытки сексуальных домогательств по отношению к Мише. Следствие находит Бязырева, который делает шокирующее признание, что он отец Миши и долгие годы искал своего сына.
The ten-year-old adopted son of the famous singer Elza Parshina Misha dies under the wheels of a car. Misha's governess and Irina's producer unanimously blame the boy's death on his computer science teacher Sergei Byazirev, who allegedly attempted to sexually harass Misha. The investigation finds Byazirev, who makes a shocking confession that he is Misha's father and has been looking for his son for many years. The expert examination confirms Byazirev's words, and all suspicions are removed from him. Investigating the circumstances of Byazirev's visits to the Parshin's house, Bobrova meets Misha's sister Masha and notices the girl's traces of physical trauma. Bobrova believes that Masha's parents severely punish, however, a conversation with the girl's teachers convinces her otherwise.