Yuma muss sich im Duell Erazor und Mr. Heartland stellen, wenn er seine Freunde Tori, Bronk, Flip, Cathy und Caswell retten will. Doch ohne die Hilfe von Astral setzt er all seine Karten aufs Spiel. Plötzlich erscheint Trey auf der Bildfläche, um Yuma zu unterstützen. Das Duell kann also beginnen!
Semimaru quickly summons out the Number he received from Vector, Number 3: Cicada King, using its ability to negate a combo Yuma had planned to use with Utopia. Trey summons Number 33: Chronomaly Machu Mech, managing to damage Semimaru with help from Yuma's cards. However, Semimaru deals a lot of damage to Trey, who took the hit for Yuma, and activates a trap that would ensure Yuma's victory on his next turn. As Yuma struggles to think of a comeback, Tori and the others regain some of their memories and show their support, reminding Yuma that he is not alone. Yuma then sets the stage for Trey to summon Number 6: Chronomaly Atlandis, equip it with Utopia, and use Atlandis to win the duel, destroying Semimaru and returning Tori and the others to normal. Afterwards, Yuma decides to give Cicada King to Trey as a sign of their friendship.