As everyone flies off in Kaiba's chopper, they discuss Kaiba Corperation's takeover. However, Kaiba was able to get a group to Florida early, and has all of the information on the ruins of Atlantis on his computer. After sending the images to Professor Hawkins, the professor says that the images are too low-quality to view properly. So after meeting up with Rebecca, Duke, and the professor, Yami Yugi and Kaiba head to Kaiba Corp's main HQ to analize the data. Meanwhile, Dartz begins the second phase of his plan, and summons Orichalcos Soldiers all over the world. As Yami Yugi and Kaiba enter the KC building, they're greeted by an army of monsters. They eventually make it to the central computer and clean up the images of the ruins. Professor Hawkins is able to translate the data, and Kaiba recognizes the marks on the images as the symbol of Paradius, a huge corperation led by Dartz. Suddenly, the computer explodes and Dartz appears to taunt the Pharaoh and Kaiba. Meanwhile, Rebecca is
Kaiba apprend que Dartz a racheté toutes les parts de la Kaibacorp afin d'en prendre le contrôle.
L'ombra di Dartz striscia vicino
Im Hauptsitz der Kaiba Korporation treffen Yami-Yugi und Kaiba auf Dartz. Dieser hat in der Zwischenzeit Tausende von Drachenmonstern wiederbelebt, die Seelen für den großen Leviatan einfangen sollen. Yami-Yugi fordert Dartz zu einem Duell heraus, doch dieser nimmt die Herausforderung nicht an.
Dartz libera bestias por toda la ciudad para que obtengan almas para LeviatÁn. Kaiba y Yami Yugi entran a Kaiba Corp para obtener información sobre algunas imágenes antiguas, descubriendo que es Dartz quien está detrás de todo. Yami Yugi y Kaiba logran escapar de la compañía a salvo, mientras que Joey, por su cuenta, decide ir hacia Dartz tratando de salvar a Mai y Yugi.
بينما يطير الجميع في مروحية كايبا، ناقشوا استيلاء الاستيلاء على مؤسسة كايبا. ومع ذلك، تمكن كايبا من إيصال المجموعة إلى فلوريدا مبكرًا، ولديه جميع المعلومات حول أنقاض أتلانتس على جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص به.