Sohoku and Hakone Academy begin making moves towards the final finish line. As Hakone Academy accelerates due to climber Shinkai’s attack, sprinter-turned-allrounder Naruko fights back with his own astute climbing. Having received their final orders from Teshima, the team charges ahead all full speed! However, what seemed to be a race to the finish between Sohoku and Hakone Academy is thrown into chaos by the appearance of Kyoto Fushimi, who has been secretly biding their time in the back!
Sohoku e Hakone arrancam em direção à linha de chegada. Enquanto a Hakone acelera devido ao ataque do escalador Shinkai, o velocista Naruko o enfrenta com sua própria técnica de escalada.
Au collège, Ashikiba avait déménagé du jour au lendemain, sans prévenir Teshima. C’est le cœur lourd qu’il souhaitait le retrouver lors d’une course de vélo. Et aujourd’hui, l’un d’eux gagnera le prix de la montagne.
테시마와 아시키바는 두 사람의 추억을 되새기며 마침내 산악 라인에 들어선다. 아슬아슬한 접전 끝에 먼저 산악 라인을 통과한 승자는 바로 소호쿠의 테시마 준타. 이 소식을 들은 하코네 학교는 예상과 다른 결과에 놀라며 급히 페이스를 올린다.
Bei ihrem eigenen Wettrennen um den Sieg bei der Bergetappe lassen Teshima und Ashikiba ihre Freundschaft aus der Mittelschule wieder aufleben. Gerade für Ashikiba ist das eine gute Gelegenheit, sich mit seinen Fehltritten auseinanderzusetzen.