The episode begins with a flashback as Onoda tries to explain to his mother that he is a member of the bicycle racing club, but she gets confused and thinks he is referring to a new anime. Back to the present, and the race begins with the parade of everyone. Once they get out of the city, the sprinters get to shine. At first Tadokoro and Naruko stay back, but it's all part of psychological warfare. As the two pass everyone and move to the front it looks like it will be between them to determine who is the top sprinter. Just as they are getting comfortable though, another sprinter emerges from behind and passes everyone all the way to the front. Izumida has arrived, and the action has only begun.
전국체전 첫날이 마침내 시작된다. 사카미치는 높아지는 기대감을 안고 이마이즈미와 나루코와 함께 골을 향해 달리기 시작한다. 레이스가 시작하고 최초의 평지구간에 돌입하자 각 학교의 최고 스프린터가 일제히 움직이기 시작한다. 타도코로와 나루코도 집단에서 나온다. 거기에 하코네 학교에서 전신 근육의 스프린터 머신 이즈미다가 버티고 있다.