Onoda Sakamichi is a huge anime fan that travels 90 round trip to Akiba on his mommy bike so he can purchase more anime goods weekly. He hates athletic teams, believing he has no athletic prowess and that the club teams are too violent. He joins Chiba Sohoku Public High School and hopes to find friends in the anime and manga club, but he learns it has been suspended due to low member amounts. Onoda hopes to restart the club, but he runs into an unexpected cyclist, Imaizumi Shunsuke, that could change his plans forever. Imaizumi plans on joining the bicycle racing team and getting revenge on another cyclist, Midousuji, for his only defeat from the past. Kanzaki Miki and Tachibana Aya also make their debuts and question why Onoda would travel to Akiba on a bicycle rather than taking a bus.
치바현 소호쿠 고등학교에 입학한 오노다 사카미치는 좋아하는 애니매이션 상품을 사기위해 매주 아키바까지 왕복 90km의 길을 아줌마 자전거로 다니고 있다. 고등학생이 되고 나서 애니메이션 연구부에 들어가서 친구를 만들려고 생각한 사카미치 였는데, 애니메이션 연구부는 인원이 모이지 않아 없어지고 말았다. 낙담한 사카미치앞에 로드 레이서 이마이즈미 슌스케가 나타나는데…
Onoda Sakamichi es un gran fan del anime que viaja cada semana 90 km de ida y vuelta a Akiba en una bicicleta doméstica para poder comprar productos de anime. Odia los equipos deportivos, pues cree que no tiene aptitudes atléticas y que los equipos son demasiado violentos. Ingresa en el instituto público Chiba Sohoku y espera encontrar amigos en el club de anime y manga, pero se entera de que ha sido suspendido debido al bajo número de miembros. Onoda espera retomar el club, pero se topa con un ciclista inesperado, Imaizumi Shunsuke, que podría cambiar sus planes para siempre. Imaizumi planea unirse al equipo de ciclismo y vengarse de otro ciclista, Midousuji, por su única derrota. Kanzaki Miki y Tachibana Aya se preguntan por qué Onoda viajaría a Akiba en bicicleta en lugar de ir en autobús.