The episode begins with the 2nd final of the Monaco Cup. While Sachihoko finishes his Egyptian bread, Alexandria, far ahead of Kyousuke, Kyousuke, unable to resist the urge to watch Pierrot's reaction, looks up to realise that time has stopped. He then meets fictional character Conan the Detective, who astounds Kyousuke with his perfect deceptions of the frozen beings around him. Kyousuke, fed up with Pierrot's mind games, starts calling Conan names. Conan pretends not to hear in order that Kyousuke loudly repeats the phrase 'Conan, you measel!' repeatedly, until Kyousuke sees through the ruse and yells, 'Kodaimai miso!' , which was used in Spencer's bread. Conan then turns into Pierrot, and stumbles around drunkenly, revealing a dagger embedded in his back. Kyousuke is accused of murder, but charges are cleared when Pierrot stands up, appearing fine. He then takes a bite of Kyousuke's bread and launches into a story about his circus friends.