After realizing that he may have developed feelings for Sae Woo, Poong storms out of the restaurant. Chil Seong tells Sae Woo that he no longer has feelings for her and continues to suffer alone. Sae Woo tries to make amends for setting Poong on fire and burning his wok. However, Poong continues to act cold and denies his feelings for her.
Après s'être rendu compte qu'il avait peut-être développé des sentiments pour Seo Wu, Pung quitte le restaurant. Chil Seong dit à Seo Wu qu'il ne ressent plus rien pour elle et continue de souffrir tout seul. Seo Wu essaie de se faire pardonner d'avoir brûlé Pung et son wok. Cependant, Pung continue à être froid et nie ses sentiments pour elle.
단새우 때문에 감정의 불이 붙어버린 서풍은 화를 내며 나가버리고, 두칠성은 짝사랑을 접은 척 속으로만 끙끙대고.
드디어 요리사복을 입고 배고픈 프라이팬에 입성한 단새우 앞에 칠성을 노리는 악덕사채업자 삐딱이가 나타나는데..