Alex wird von einem Zauberer-Weissager-Automaten vorhergesagt, dass ihr Leben bald endet. Sie versucht mit dem Zauberer ein Geschäft zu machen, damit er die Vorhersage wieder zurücknimmt.
The Russos head to the beach on an extremely hot day, and Harper hopes to enjoy reading her book while at the beach. The Russos come across Zelzar, a fortune-telling machine. Jerry warns the kids about Zelzar - he is from the wizard world, and a wizard's fortune really comes true. After Max and Justin receive good fortunes, Alex decides to get a fortune despite her father's warning. However, her fortune says, "Say good-bye to your life." Alex thinks nothing of it and proceeds to enjoy the day at the beach, but comes close to life-threatening situations multiple times. Alex, Justin, Max, and Harper make a compromise with Zelzar - if they can extract him from the machine and let him enjoy a day at the beach, he will take back Alex's fortune. Max replaces Zelzar, and Justin is forced to drive the beach-goers away from the machine (as Max gives out silly fortunes about his new facial hair); meanwhile, the girls help Zelzar fancy his day at the beach. In the end, Zelzar reveals that while he cannot take away Alex's fortune, he can give it to the next person. The next person happens to be a little girl, who gets Alex's fortune. However, it is revealed that a man from Random Prize Giveaway shows up, saying: "Say good-bye to your life because we're randomly giving you one million dollars!"
Alex se compromete a dejar salir su fortuna por un día en la playa.
Město zachvátila neúnosná vedra a tak se Russoovi společně s Harper vydají na pláž. Zde narazí na Zelzara, od kterého si lze koupit věštbu. Jerry své děti před Zelzarem varuje, protože kouzelníkům se jejich věštba skutečně vyplní. Alex však varování svého otce nebere vážně a koupí si věštbu. Svého rozhodnutí lituje ve chvíli, kdy ji věštba varuje, aby se rozloučila se životem.
A Waverly Place fa molto caldo e i Russo decidono di andare al mare. Alex guarda nel futuro grazie ad un indovino (Zelzar), che gli dice di dire addio alla sua vita infatti sarà una giornata sfortunata per lei. Alla fine Alex riesce ad annullare il messaggio di Zelzar trasferendolo ad un'altra persona ma alla fine una bambina riceve il messaggio di Alex e vince un premio.
Alex, Justin i Max ignorują ostrzeżenia ojca i podczas pobytu na plaży udają się po poradę do jasnowidza. Rodzeństwo jest w szoku, gdy jasnowidz Zelzar mówi Alex, żeby pożegnała się z życiem. Aby odmienić swój los, dziewczyna musi uwolnić Zelzara z automatu i pozwolić mu spędzić dzień na plaży. W tym czasie jasnowidza zastępuje Max.