Alex wird ‚Zauberer des Jahres‘ und Justin ist deswegen total sauer. Mason wird schrecklich eifersüchtig, weil Papparazzi es so aussehen lassen, als wären Chase und Alex ein Paar.
Alex has been crowned Wizard of the Year after saving the world from dark angels, as well as being reinstated in the Wizard Competition, and a banquet honoring her achievement is hosted. With paparazzi in tow, Chase Riprock visits the lair to congratulate Alex. As he leaves, Keith Keith hounds them about being in a romantic relationship, to which Alex states she already has a boyfriend. Later, Mason and Alex watch his gossip segment, and to their horror, Keith Keith confirms that Chase and Alex are dating. For Alex winning Wizard of the Year, the Russo family must record a holographic video congratulating Alex, however, much to Justin's displeasure, Justin's video instead only contains him complaining about Alex. The night of the awards banquet, Mason stands Alex up, leaving her devastated. At the banquet, Chancellor TootieTootie tells Justin that his display of affection and pride for Alex may reinstate him into the competition, causing Justin to be frantic and do everything within his power to destroy the tape. Chase purposely invites himself to sit at the Russo's table. However, Mason shows up late and sees Alex and Chase flirting together. A short battle ensues between Mason and Chase. Alex soon breaks up the fight, and is forced to choose either Mason or Chase. Appalled by both of their behaviors that evening, Alex chooses neither and breaks up with Mason.
Alex ha sido coronada como el Mago del Año después de salvar al mundo de los ángeles oscuros, además de haber sido reincorporada a la Competencia de Magos, y se organiza un banquete en honor a su logro.
Russovi mají nečekanou návštěvu. Zavítá k nim Chancellor Tootietootie, moderátor Kouzelníka roku, aby Alex oznámil její vítězství. Porota ji vybrala za záchranu světa před temnými anděly. Všichni jsou z Alexina vítězství nadšeni až na Justina, který se domnívá, že ocenění měl vyhrát právě on. Mezitím Mason stále žárlí na krotitele stvůr Chase Riprocka a dokonce Alex znemožní v její jednom nejdůležitějším dnu v životě.
Alex vince il premio Mago dell'anno per aver salvato il mondo dagli Angeli delle tenebre e viene invitata alla premiazione con tutta la sua famiglia, riuscendo a rientrare nella competizione magica. Chase Reprock, per congratularsi, la va a trovare seguito dai Paparazzi, ma Alex dice erroneamente alla stampa che lei e Chase sono fidanzati. Quando Mason lo viene a sapere si infuria con Alex e decide di non andare alla cerimonia di premiazione. Alla fine, presentandosi alla cena, tenta di chiedere scusa ad Alex per come si era comportato ma la vede con Chase e, arrabbiandosi, lo attacca. Intanto, Justin realizza un video dicendo che Alex non merita il premio e per andare alla cena Harper finge di essere la fidanzata di Max. L'episodio finisce con Alex che lascia Mason.
Alex zostaje ogłoszona Czarodziejem Roku za pomoc w pokonaniu aniołów ciemności. Gdy Chase przychodzi jej pogratulować, pojawiają się paparazzi, którzy zaczynają spekulować na temat rzekomego związku dziewczyny z zaklinaczem bestii. Powoduje to zazdrość Masona. W tym czasie Russowie mają nagrać filmik z gratulacjami dla Alex. Justin tworzy wideo, w którym mówi, że nagroda należy się jemu. Gdy dowiaduje się, że nagranie zobaczy Rada Czarodziejów, stara się nie dopuścić do jego publikacji.