Alex fängt an, eifersüchtig zu werden, weil Max als Mädchen so viel Aufmerksamkeit bekommt. Unterdessen denkt Zeke, die Russos mögen ihn nicht. Also versucht er, ihre Liebe wieder zu gewinnen.
With Max still a little girl, their parents pay more attention to Max (Maxine), and Alex becomes jealous. Justin takes Maxine to her (Max's) karate class and Maxine kicks Justin's butt. After the class, Alex decides to make Jerry's favorite sandwich in order to win his love back, but Maxine comes along with Justin, announcing that she beat Justin in karate, and Jerry immediately falls for her cuteness again. More jealous than ever, Alex comes back with Justin to Maxine's karate class with their parents, having a slight idea of knowing how to change Maxine back to Max. They cast spells on Maxine, Justin using the spell he used on Max that turned him into Maxine, and Alex using the reverse spell. Unfortunately, it only makes Maxine cuter, which makes her furious. Instead of going against the person she was supposed to, she demands that she kicks either Alex or Justin's butt. Justin goes against her, but seeing that he would lose, Alex casts a spell on Justin to make him a karate master. Too fast for Maxine, Justin beats her, and Maxine is hurt (physically). Jerry and Theresa rush to her side, caring for Maxine more than they care that Justin beat Maxine in karate. Justin leaves, and Alex leaves after him, heartbroken. Back at home, Jerry tells Alex that he fell for Maxine because she reminded him of Alex when she was little and they bond again. Meanwhile, Zeke thinks the Russos hate him, but really it was just Harper's alibi in order to keep him away from the Sub Station so as not to make him suspicious about Max's disappearance and Maxine's appearance.
Con Max aún siendo una niña, sus padres prestan más atención a Max (Maxine) y Alex se pone celosa.
Alex se těší na na každoměsíční rituál se svým otcem Jerrym, kdy společně vyrazí na snídani k Čisté palačince a proberou, co za předešlý měsíc nestihly. Alexinu radost však záhy překazí Maxina, která je v nových šatičkách a culíkách natolik úchvatná, že dá Jerry přednost ji. To Alex špatně nese a snaží se Jerryho získat zpět na svou stranu. Mezitím Zeke tuší, že v rodině Russových děje něco podezřelého a tak se h Harper snaží držet, co nejdál. Když mu však řekne , že ho Russoovy nesnášejí, začne Zeke usilovat o jejich náklonnost.
La solita colazione con frittelle, dedicata ad Alex e Jerry, viene rovinata da Maxine poiché Jerry da più attenzione a lei che ad Alex, così la maga alla fine si ingelosisce. Intanto la famiglia Russo chiede ad Harper di far allontanare il più possibile Zeke dal locale, finché Maxine non tornerà Max, ma Harper combina un guaio facendo credere a Zeke che i Russo lo odiano. Justin intanto accompagna Maxine alla sua lezione di Karate e dopo alcune umiliazioni subite da Maxine, Justin alla fine la mette al tappeto. Infine Jerry spiega ad Alex che è più legato a Maxine perché gli ricorda lei da piccola.
Alex i Justin stają się coraz bardziej zazdrośni o Maxine, która staje się ulubionym dzieckiem Jerry'ego i Theresy. Gdy Maxine zapisuje się na zawody karate, Justin postanawia zmierzyć się z nią i wywołać litość u rodziców. Alex postanawia rzucić na Justina czar, dzięki któremu Justin pokona Maxine w zawodach karate. Tymczasem Harper stara się ukryć obecność Maxine przed Zekiem, wmawiając chłopakowi że Russowie go nienawidzą. Kłamstwo Harper przynosi jednak odwrotny skutek – Zeke chce przebywać w domu Russów jak najczęściej, aby go polubili.