Africké hory zachytávají mraky naplněné vodou a jejich vlivem se mění krajina, v níž se objevují nové vodní plochy a kanály. Spolu se světlem a teplem tvoří čerstvá voda ideální podmínky pro bohatý rozvoj života. Od dravých horských proudů přes obrovská jezera až k sezónním záplavám je voda rozhodujícím prvkem, jež může být životodárný i krutý...
Der letzte Teil zeigt die Verwandlung des Wassers von kleinen Pfützen zu reißenden Strömen, die sich in Seen oder ins Meer ergießen. FLÜSSE UND SEEN bilden die Lebensadern des Kontinents, an denen die spektakulärsten Tierbeobachtungen möglich sind: Millionen Flamingos sammeln sich an den unwirklichen Ufern des ostafrikanischen Soda-Sees, am Sambia kämpfen riesige Krokodile mit Büffeln und aus den weiten Seen des Rift Valley erheben sich gigantische Fliegenschwärme.
Just as Africa constantly throws-up mountains which intercept moisture-laden clouds from the oceans, so the changing landscape also creates grooves and basins which channel and gather the precious moisture that falls on the high ground.
Fresh water, light and warmth are the three fundamental elements that engender life. Rarely in Africa do these three come together, but when they do the continent explodes with life. Traveling from mountain streams to raging torrents, and from lakes as big as seas to seasonal floodplains, Wild Africa takes us on a journey which explores how animals and plants have invaded and exploited Africa’s many waterways.
Water has intrinsic character. Whether gentle and nurturing or violent and erosive, stagnant and restricting or liberating and life-saving. Wild Africa reflects these moods through breathtaking imagery and the emotion of sound.
Az esőt hozó felhők az Afrikát körülvevő meleg óceánokból emelkednek a magasba. A szárazföld felett hömpölygő felhők útvonala bizonytalan, a magasan fekvő részek szerzik meg a víz nagy részét. Az innen legördülő vizek saját medret vájnak maguknak, ezzel formálva a tájat.
아프리카에서 모든 신선한 물의 원천은 비를 함유한 구름인데, 구름은 이 대륙을 둘러싸고 있는 따뜻한 바다에서 생겨납니다. 땅을 씻어주는 구름의 목적지는 불확실하며 변덕스러운 바람의 영향을 받습니다. 하지만 대체로 아프리카의 고지대, 언덕, 산들이 구름이 가진 소중한 비의 대부분을 얻습니다. 해구와 골짜기들이 흐르는 물의 최초의 수로가 됩니다. 양과 힘이 모일수록, 물은 더 많은 지배권을 가져서 스스로 길을 만들어 나갑니다.