Vic und Val erfahren, dass sie gar nicht legal verheiratet sind. Nun wollen sie endlich offiziell heiraten. Doch auf dem Weg bekommt Val bedenken, da sie in verschiedenen Sachen unterschiedliche Ansichten haben...
Holly überlegt, ob es richtig war mit Vince Schluß zu machen. Doch dieser scheint im Moment ziemlich glücklich zu sein.
Val panics when she learns that she and Vic were not legally married. Required to wait 24 hours by City Hall before they are allowed to have a civil ceremony, they decide to take a compatibility test, resulting in a fight about how many kids each of them want to eventually have. Meanwhile, Holly is worried she broke up with Vince too quickly, but having spent time at Vic's family reunion, she realizes she did the right thing.
Val panique en apprenant que son union avec Vic n'était qu'une supercherie. Forcés d'attendre vingt-quatre heures avant le mariage civil, ils décident de faire un test de compatibilité qui se termine en pugilat.
Val e Vic scoprono che il loro matrimonio non ha valore legale, così decidono di organizzare una cerimonia nuziale in piena regola... Holly decide di tornare insieme a Vince, ma dopo aver trascorso una giornata con la famiglia d'origine di Vince, mette nuovamente in discussione il loro rapporto...