Alan und Joy haben mit den Konsequenzen ihrer Entscheidungen zu kämpfen. Tom muss einen schweren Herzensentschluss fassen. Naomi verbringt Zeit mit Nachbarin Rita.
Joy and Alan's experiment, and the marriage itself, faces its biggest test yet as public and private factors threaten to tear the two of them apart. Tom must finally figure out who he wants and exactly how he's meant to get them. Events place Alan's job in jeopardy, while a bereavement in Lawrence's life brings him and Joy ever closer.
Alan et Joy doivent assumer les conséquences de leurs choix. Tom s'interroge sur l'amour, etc. Naomi passe du temps avec Rita, la voisine.
Alan e Joy se la vedono con le conseguenze delle loro scelte. Tom deve affrontare una difficile decisione romantica. Naomi trascorre del tempo con la vicina Rita.
Alan y Joy deben lidiar con las consecuencias de sus decisiones. Tom se enfrenta a una difícil decisión en su vida amorosa. Naomi pasa tiempo con su vecina Rita.