To refuse to execute the order, Ika is sent to jail, but refuses to eat there because of which Stosic comes to warn him and arrest him by extending his sentence. Gruya pins Nađa uplakanu, and she answers that she fell in love with Major Markovic, but that he has a wife who is a journalist. When he called her with a mobile phone, Aleksandra pulled it off without knowing that Stosic called her. While going to the army for meat, Bugi comes to Rey and her son, and Gruya Mar takes her to a pantry where she starts the first love, but interrupts her father's arrival. On returning to the barracks, there was a small misunderstanding between Gruja and Lieutenant Colonel Jeez, because Gruja remained only in boxers in the jeep because he gave the uniform to Burazer to get his ears. Later, the company through Gvozden goes to a secret visit to Iki during which he and Angela confessed to each other what they feel. Šaša enrolled in dance classes with Mirko and Violeta in order to implement her plan to bring Mirko back to work.
Zbog odbijanja da izvrši naređenje, Ika biva poslat u zatvor, ali tamo odbija da jede zbog čega Stošić dolazi da ga opomene i pripreti mu produženjem kazne. Gruja zatiče Nađu uplakanu, a ona mu odgovara da se zaljubila u majora Markovića, ali da on ima suprugu koja je novinarka. Kad ju je pozvao mobilnim telefonom, Aleksandra mu je odbrusila ne znajući da ju je pozvao Stošić. Tokom odlaska po meso za vojsku, Bugi svraća kod Rije i njenog sina, a Gruju Mara odvodi u špajz gde započinju prvo vođenje ljubavi, ali ih u tome prekida dolazak njenog oca. Pri povratku u kasarnu, nastao je mali nesporazum između Gruje i potpukovnika Ježa jer je Gruja ostao samo u boksericama u džipu jer je uniformu dao Burazeru da mu ušije. Kasnije, društvo preko Gvozdena odlazi u tajnu posetu Iki tokom koje su on i Anđela priznali jedno drugom šta osećaju. Šaša se upisala na časove plesa kod Mirka i Violete kako bi sprovela svoj plan da vrati Mirka sebi u delo.