Á árum áður voru þúsundir barna vistuð á upptökuheimilum á vegum hins opinbera. Hver rannsóknin á fætur annarri hefur nú leitt í ljós að kerfið brást þessum börnum með stórfelldum hætti. Í þáttunum fáum við loksins að heyra rödd þeirra einstaklinga sem dvöldu á slíkum stofnunum, aðstandendum þeirra og fyrrverandi starfsfólki.
The state youth home in Kópavogur was defined as a research and treatment home for teenagers from the age of twelve. Former residents recall their stay. Some report non-stop violence, while others talk about the institution as their lifeline. Then it is told about the circumstances of their livelihood, which was often extremely arbitrary. Some of the children were on the street, while others were brought into the home due to difficult home conditions. A former employee of the home describes the home as a trash can where everything was messed up and there was no supervision.