Welkin and Alicia immerse themselves in their work in order to avoid the issue of their relationship. The rest of Squad 7 are aware of this, but are unable to do anything about it. Captain Varrot then informs Welkin that Squad 7 is tasked with liberating Bruhl, in an effort to raise Squad 7's morale. Zaka then arrives at the base and announces that he will be the new driver for the Edelweiss. Meanwhile, as Welkin packs Isara's belongings, he begins to have flashbacks of his sister. After doing some research and piecing together clues he had witnessed earlier, Faldio is covinced Alicia is a Valkyria. Squad 7 assaults Bruhl and quickly forces the Imperial garrison to surrender, liberating the town. Alicia finds Welkin at his old house, where he admits that Isara's death has been tearing him apart and he has been grieving since her death, yet he cannot find it in himself to cry. Alicia comforts Welkin by telling him he no longer needs to hold back his tears.
Welkin cierra su corazón sin preocuparse por los miembros. Allí se dan más órdenes de salida. El destino de la captura es Bruhl, la ciudad natal de Welkin y sus amigos. Era al menos la consideración de Barrot. El 7º Escuadrón se dirige al campo de batalla con el recién alistado Zaka que lucharon juntos en Fausen. En ese momento, Faldio se quedó en la biblioteca y leyó la literatura sobre los Valkyrians. Lo que aparece repetidamente en su mente son los diversos hechos que ha mostrado Alicia. Y era un fragmento de la noche de retraso que brillaba esa noche ...