Die Zauberin Circe sammelt Bücher, deren Inhalt ein unglaublich großes Wissen darstellt. Sie bewahrt alle diese Bücher in einem rießigen Turm auf, einer intergalaktischen Bibliothek. Sie hat die Absicht, jedem der sich diesem Turm nähert, in einen Schweinemenschen zu verwandeln, wenn er sich nicht wehren kann.
Near the zone of the Kingdom of Hades, Ulysses and the children are rendered unconscious, and the Odyssey is taken into another dimension. Their companions are taken from their chamber and placed on the Odyssey's bridge. An Earth-like planet is detected, and the now-awakened Ulysses uses a shuttle to investigate. As he does so, his companions are manipulated into piloting the Odyssey to the planet, known as Aim, by Circe the enchantress. She turns the Odyssey's crew into swine so as to be her slaves. Ulysses encounters a space commander named Hermes who tells him that his crew were taken by Circe, who wants to build a giant tower of knowledge. When she has all the knowledge of the universe, she will be able to stand up to the gods. Hermes shows Ulysses how to get to the tower, and once there he and Nono encounter Circe's librarian, also named Hermes. Ulysses finally finds Circe, who refuses to return Ulysses companions to normal. When she finds out who he is, she tells him that he can
Nos héros commencent à perdre espoir de revoir leur planète natale. Quand soudain, le vaisseau et tout l'équipage à l'exception d'Ulysse et de Nono sont capturés par Circé, la magicienne. Elle fige l'Odysseus sur une immense tour et transforme les compagnons en pourceaux-esclaves. Dans quel but? pourquoi cette immense tour? et que veut Circé?
La hechicera Circe transforma a los viajeros del espacio en cerdos. Una vez convertidos en sus escalvos, les obliga a construir su Biblioteca Galáctica, una extraña Torre de Babel, con la que espera convertirse en la maestra del conocimiento.