Yūsu erīto chīmu wa, SRC kenkyū-sho to bideo kaigi de kaihatsu shita shin sōchi ni tsuite hanashiatte itaga, totsuzen tsūshin ga togireru. Ida to Tanaka wa kaisen no toraburu o kakunin shi ni ikuga, gūzen eirian no shinryaku-sha ni sōgū shite shimau. Eirian no shinryaku-sha ni kasane wareta nochi, ihen ga okori,-tai ga chīsaku natte shimau. Ni~Tsu Ura taichō to Musashi wa, Sawaguchi-san ni kai itai to kenkyū-sho e mukauga, karera mo karada o chīsaku suru eirian no shinryaku-sha ni sōgū shite shimau. Kono shūdan no mokuteki to wa?
The Youth Elite Team is discussing the new equipment they developed with the SRC Research Institute through a video conference, but the communication is suddenly interrupted. Ida and Tanaka go to check the line problem, but they accidentally encounter alien invaders. After being attacked by alien invaders, strange things happen, and their bodies shrink. Captain Hiura and Musashi drive to the laboratory, wanting to meet with Ms. Sawaguchi, but they also encounter alien invaders who shrink them. What is the purpose of this group of people?